About Us

About Our Team & Community.

Our Story

It all began at an undisclosed (sort of) location in Southwest Asia during a standard Air Defense rotation to the CENTCOM AOR. While enjoying a meal at the Dining Facility with members of our staff, the Air Defenders of our group engaged in the standard activity that Air Defenders inevitably and naturally fall into during any type of social interaction; regaling each other with stories of Air Defense deeds, hardships, and notable personnel in common encountered over the course of careers.

In the midst of the hashing, rehashing, one-upping and embellishment, our exasperated Sustainer informed us that all we do is “bro out” and that we are just a bunch of “Patriot Bros.” Little did we know that this exchange would be the ember that sparked a flame that would become a worldwide phenomenon (at least in our minds).

After a few days of being called the Patriot Bros, we both came upon the idea of producing fan art with an Air Defense twist based upon beloved characters from our video gaming childhood.  That day we produced the first bit of fan art depicting ourselves in the style of Mario and Luigi with minor additions and alterations such as rank and adding a “W” in place of the “L” on Luigi’s hat. 

Thus began the “PAT BROS.” What started with a simple depiction of the “PAT BROS” jumping triumphantly in the air with a Patriot Missile in the background, grew into multiple pieces of fan art, stickers, shirts, a 5K, and now a movement to promote the Air Defense branch, foster espirit de corps, and provide scholarship opportunities for members within the branch.  

Thank You for your support, “First to Fire!” ~The Patriot Bros.

Our Mission

The mission of the Patriot Bros. Association is to increase awareness and spread “espirit de corps” within Air Defense Artillery via Air Defense themed media and merchandise with the ultimate goal of providing scholarship opportunities to aid and further the education of deserving individuals in the Air Defense community.

Patriot Bros. Association is a non-profit corporation and shall be operated exclusively for educational and charitble purposes within the meaning of 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Rrevenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.

Defeat Aerial Threats and Save the Princess!

We want to give our visitors a fun user friendly experience. Most of all, we want to expand people’s ability to laugh and smile while simultaneously offering an incentive of supporting the troops in the process.